Spiritual Shots

Thursday, May 16th
Mix & Mingle 5:30pm | Program 6:15pm

  • Spiritual Shots is a casual speaker forum and table discussion to help you practically navigate your day-to-day work challenges in a Christ-like way.

  • Expect group discussion, Q&A and an atmosphere that anyone would feel welcome in. Food is free - drinks are on you! (alcoholic & non-alcoholic drinks available).

Meet our speakers.

  • Sara's background is primarily in K-12 education, serving as the Executive Director and Founder of Imago Dei Neighborhood School, an economically and racially diverse Christian liberal arts school in Richmond; the school launched in 2021. Prior to that, she worked for seven years in operations, communications, and marketing on the leadership team at Veritas School, where she also taught a leadership course focused on the city of Richmond. Sara's education work began in the marketing and communications office at Tianjin International School in China. Before switching to education, her career was primarily in the political sphere, serving in roles with the Attorney General of Virginia and on Capitol Hill. As a resident of Northside's Battery Park, and as a former board member of the Richmond Christian Leadership Institute, she is daily discovering that she still has SO MUCH to learn about her hometown. Sara is a graduate of the University of Mary Washington, wife to Daniel and mother of four young adult children.

  • Alana is from Petersburg, Virginia and studied Theater Arts at Virginia Tech. Her background in theater as a performer, teaching artist, and director has developed in her a passion for education and for people. She has worked in the theater in the metro Richmond area for the past 16 years. She currently serves as the Admissions and Community Liaison for Imago Dei Neighborhood School and has served in this position since the school launched in 2021. Alana loves using her gifts to build the Imago Dei community, making sure that families of all backgrounds experience warm fellowship, strong relationships, excellent academics, and the unending love of Jesus Christ. Alana is married to Daniel, and has three energetic sons currently enrolled at Imago Dei.

Questions for our speakers?

Text them to (804) 573-9446

Discussion Questions

1. What about Sara & Alana’s talk connected with you? Why was it meaningful?

2. Sara and Alana shared candidly about how overwhelming it felt to answer God’s call. What felt overwhelming alone was exhilarating when working together! What are some things in your work or workplace that feel overwhelming to do alone? How can you pray for God to bring someone to labor alongside of you?

3. Sara and Alana also talked about learning how to find contentment in their work. It can be difficult to believe we have ever done “enough,” so we keep striving, tweaking, etc…Do you personally struggle with contentment in your work - believing that what you’ve accomplished is both good and good enough?

4. What aspects of your job do you feel you were “made for”? How can you leverage that skillset to serve the Kingdom of God? What aspects of your job do you feel you are incapable of doing with excellence, or are barely scraping by? How can you seek support in those areas?

Watch past Shots events.

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